History Episodes:
What’s The History Of Gay Cruising?
“Everybody’s doing it, but nobody’s talking about it because it’s so secretive.” Alrighty, curious people, we’re getting spicy & kicking off Queer History Month with a smash (not …
PRETTY CURIOUS | Is Gilded Age Hair So Big Because It’s Full Of Secrets?
Think Gilded Age hair is super 19th century? Uhhh – think again! The hairstyling practices and salon culture that we’ve come to know today draw major inspiration from …
GETTING CURIOUS | How Gay Was Abraham Lincoln?
We’re looking for a man in politics. Thick thighs. 6’4”. Gray eyes. Abraham Lincoln, course – or as we’re lovingly referring to him on this episode: GAY-braham Lincoln. …
GETTING CURIOUS | How Can We Be More Effective With Language?
Have you ever wondered what’s up with double negation, the history of gender neutral pronouns, or why swearing is taboo? Then get ready for this week’s guest, linguist …
GETTING CURIOUS | Why Does Gynecological Care Affect Us All?
Did you know that in ancient Greece, the stereotype that women were “overly emotional” came from the false idea of a “wandering womb?” Neither did we! Dr. Karen …
GETTING CURIOUS | Who Was John Hancock?
You probably learned about the Founding Fathers in school…or maybe you had a deep Hamilton phase like the rest of us, but what about the lesser known figures …
GETTING CURIOUS | What Happened To Local Newspapers?
So much of our news consumption these days comes from social media and cable news, but whatever happened to local newspapers? Journalist, author, and educator Meg Heckan joins …
About Getting Better Podcast
From mental health, to society & culture, to the science & history that you need to know – come on a journey every week with Jonathan and a leading expert as they get curious about ways we can all get BETTER.